Termios For Windows
Hi Binit and thanks for the feedback. I created the capturer package for use on UNIX systems with the specific goal of emulating a real terminal and to accomplish this I used the pty module. Even though this module is included in Python's standard library it is UNIX specific and so doesn't support Windows. This is mentioned in the readme:
The use of pty.openpty() means you need to be running in a UNIX like environment for capturer to work (Windows definitely isn't supported).
I don't know of any meaningful way to add Windows support to capturer, however I have made the supported operating systems more explicit by mentioning them in the introduction of the readme:
The capturer package makes it easy to capture the stdout and stderr streams of the current process and subprocesses. Output can be relayed to the terminal in real time but is also available to the Python program for additional processing. It's currently tested on cPython 2.6, 2.7, 3.4, 3.5 and PyPy (2.7). It's tested on Linux and Mac OS X and may work on other unixes but definitely won't work on Windows (due to the use of the platform dependent pty module).
This is a dummy implementation of a module for MicroPython standard library. It contains zero or very little functionality, and primarily intended to avoid import errors (using idea that even if an application imports a module, it may be not using it onevery code path, so may work at least partially).
Terminus For Windows
- POSIX terminal interface. (Redirected from Termios.h) Jump to navigation Jump to search. The POSIX terminal interface is the generalized abstraction, comprising both an Application Programming Interface for programs, and a set of behavioural expectations for users of a terminal, as defined by the POSIX standard and the Single Unix Specification.
- Package termios implements the low level termios(3) terminal line discipline facilities. Package termios implements the low level termios(3) terminal line discipline.
Termios For Windows 9
I'm going to close this issue now given that the lack of Windows support is 'by design'.