Wsus Remote Console Windows 10
...a Microsoft spokesperson confirmed today that no software fix is on the way. But in a major shift in its 'Windows as a Service' policy, Microsoft agreed to continue delivering security updates to those devices for another six years. Under the existing policy, those security updates would have ended in early 2018.

Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 10 includes Server Manager, Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-ins, consoles, Windows PowerShell cmdlets and providers, and command-line tools for managing roles and features that run on Windows Server. IMPORTANT: Starting with Windows 10 October 2018 Update, add RSAT tools right from Windows 10. Just go to 'Manage optional features' in Settings and click 'Add a feature' to see the list of available RSAT tools. Accessing the WSUS Administration Console. Click the Options button in the upper right-hand corner of the administration console.This takes you to the Options window shown in Figure 6.2. From the Options window click on the Synchronization Options button. This will take you to the Synchronization Options window shown in Figure 6.3.

I went to the link at zdnet and checked my processor. I do not have a processor that is listed that cannot accept the update...
I didn't say or imply that you did, I was just going by the error prompt you cited in your first post (i.e., 'This app won't run on your PC') and assumed 'this app' was referring to Creators Update (Win10 1703).
Was 'WSUS 3.0 SP2 Administration Console' mentioned in the error itself and if so, how/why did it end up being installed on a home computer?
Is Windows Update Administration Console listed in Start | Control Panel Programs and Features?
Note: Consider this post obsolete and replaced by, which offers more detail and clarity around the behavior of Delivery Optimization in both Windows 10 1511 and 1607.
For those of you who have started deploying Windows 10 1607 (edit: and Windows 10 1511), you might notice a change in the behavior of the Windows Update agent for PCs that are configured to pull updates from WSUS. Instead of pulling the updates from WSUS, PCs may start grabbing them from peers on your network, leveraging the Delivery Optimization service for referrals to other PCs that have already obtained the content. This change should generally help reduce the amount of network traffic being generated for both quality (monthly) updates and feature updates, offloading that traffic from the WSUS server. It will add some additional traffic between each client PC and the Delivery Optimization service on the internet, as it has to talk to this internet-only service in order to get a list of peers.
Wsus Remote Console Windows 10 Download
If the Windows Update agent can’t talk to the Delivery Optimization service (due to firewall or proxy configurations), or if there are no peers able to provide the content, it will then go ahead and grab the content from the WSUS server.
Wsus Remote Admin Console Windows 10
There is a new Group Policy setting available if you want to disable this behavior, e.g. because you are already using BranchCache for peer-to-peer sharing. To do this, you need to set the “Download Mode” policy under “Computer Configuration –> Administrative Templates –> Windows Components –> Delivery Optimization” to specify “Bypass” mode, which will result in the client always using BITS to transfer the content from WSUS (with BranchCache jumping in to provide the peer-to-peer capabilities through its integration with BITS):
Download Wsus Console Windows 10
Of course to set this policy, you need the latest ADMX files, which can be downloaded from and are also included in Windows 10 1607 and Windows Server 2016. (The “Bypass” setting wasn’t available in previous versions.) See for details on how to update the Group Policy central store with these latest ADMX files, if you are using a central store.